What is a Query?#

In the Playgrounds API, queries are 1:1 to the number of requests made to the underlying decentralized API. Queries are not 1:1 with a singular subgrounds' snippet as a single subgrounds request could be getting hundreds of thousands of rows with a single line of code. Since subgrounds automatically handles pagination, it makes multiple GraphQL queries behind the scenes.


Generally, whatever is placed in the first argument correlates to the number of expected pages.

Common setup for the examples (using the hosted service as an example)#
from subgrounds import Subgrounds

sg = Subgrounds()
curve = sg.load_subgraph(

The following example will result in a single query:

Grabbing liquidity pool data#
# default for `first` is 100

The following example will result in 10 queries:

Grabbing liquidity pool data#
This would still be 10 queries as both of these entities would get merged.#


Just because you put a very high number for first (such as 1_000_000), it doesn't mean it'll actually result in that many queries since there might be less than that many rows of data.

Nested Pagination#

Since nested fields can also have their own set of arguments, defining first in them will result in nested pagination. This can greatly increase the number of queries made as each nested field will be multiplicative

The number of queries directly is related to the argument you put in first. If you only define first for the most top-level entities, than pagination is summed across all those fields. If you start defining first for sub-fields, then pagination can get multiplicative as for each top-level page, the whole series of sub-pages would be queried.

This would still be 100 (10・10) queries due to nested pagination and return 81 million (9000・9000) rows.#
pools = curve.Query.liquidityPools(first=9000)
