Liquid Staking#

Lido Protocol Snapshot Simple

Exploring Lido financial data for the past 30 days.

Beginner SyntheticFields

Lido Protocol Usage Metrics

Exploring top level usage metrics for the past 30 days.

Beginner SyntheticFields

Lido Protocol Further Explorations

Further explorations of Lido Pools

Beginner SyntheticFields

RocketPool x Lido Cross Analysis

Cross examination of RocketPool and Lido pool utilization and financials.

Intermediate SyntheticFields

RocketPool Snapshot

Exploration of RocketPool Finanacial daily snapshots.

Intermediate SyntheticFields

ETH and stETH Analysis

Investigating Latest Deposit Patterns for WETH and stETH on Aave v2


Votium Bribes Analysis

Exploring Voting Incentives on Votium Protocol for vlCVX Token Holders
